Digital Payment

  1. Accepted Payment Methods:

    We accept payments via Credit Card through Stripe and PayPal. You can securely make payments using major credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal accounts.

  2. Payment Processing:
    • When you proceed to checkout and choose Credit Card as your payment method, you will be redirected to a secure payment gateway provided by Stripe. Your credit card information is encrypted and processed securely.
    • If you prefer to pay via PayPal, you will be directed to the PayPal website to complete the transaction. You can use your PayPal balance, bank account, or credit/debit card linked to your PayPal account.
  3. Payment Security:
    • We prioritize the security of your payment information. Credit card transactions are processed through Stripe, which adheres to strict security standards and PCI-DSS requirements to protect your data.
    • PayPal transactions are secured by PayPal’s encryption technology and fraud detection systems.
  4. Billing and Invoicing:
    • Upon successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email with details of your order and payment receipt.
    • Invoices for services rendered will be provided upon request. Please contact us at if you require an invoice.
  5. Refunds and Cancellations:
    • Refunds are issued in accordance with our Refund Policy. Please refer to our Refund Policy for detailed information on eligibility, processing times, and conditions for refunds.
    • If you need to cancel a payment or request a refund, please contact us promptly at
  6. Payment Disputes:
    • In the event of a payment dispute or unauthorized transaction, please contact us immediately at We will investigate the issue and take appropriate action to resolve it.
  7. Currency and Pricing:
    • All prices on our website are listed in [Currency] and are inclusive of applicable taxes, unless otherwise stated.
    • We reserve the right to modify prices or payment terms at any time. However, any changes will not affect orders that have already been placed and confirmed.
  8. Contact Us:
    • If you have any questions or concerns regarding payments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Our customer support team will be happy to assist you.

By making a payment on, you agree to abide by our Payment Policy and Terms of Service.